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Changes on phpPhobos  
Posted by smurphy on Saturday, 11 August 2007  GMT
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PHP development

 Many changes have taken place since the last news entry. Most of them under the surface or in user/admin environments only. So - not everyone will see these
. The User Blog module has now fine-grained ACL support. Means - some users can set it to dedicated, and only the users they explicitely give access to the Blog will have the possibility to see the Blog. Note that violations will lead to blacklisting the remote-users IP Adress after the third try.
The Display width has been fixed through a constant. Means that the articles will always be displayed according to these settings. This is an enormous help when writing articles and putting pictures in it - to generate a nice formatting and have a preview - no matter what screen resolution the remote user will have.
The menu funciton now supports graphics - means a admin can assign a picture to a specific menu-entry. If someone can create nice graphs - it would make sens ... I am not a graphist - so I can only take what I find on the net for that purpose.
The news entries now have a dedicated length when shown in grouping. Expanding will show all the content. And - a last change is a new theme - grey - that was added - just to see if the them function is working correctly as required. 

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