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Server data NVMe SSD replaced  
Posted by smurphy on Wednesday, 6 December 2023  GMT
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Linux Hardware

 The Samsung 980 NVMe pcie 3 SSD (plain, no pro as it has TLC chipset) started to show critical medium errors. The problem is that with SSD's, when this starts showing up, you never known when the fatal error will actually hit and stop the system.
As I always have a replacement drive for each drive in the server available, it took me 5 minutes to replace the drive one the still accessible data was migrated, then 1 hour to go through the backups to restore the not accessibl...  

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Weather station replaced  
Posted by smurphy on Wednesday, 6 December 2023  GMT
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Linux Hardware

 The self built weather station has proven to work reliably for some years. Sadly, more and more sensors started to fail (reason unknown). In the end, it was cheaper to replace the entire station using a "Waldbeck Huygens Station" which accounted for a 1/6 of the price of my self built station.
On top of being cheaper, it was also using a 8xxMHz transmission system from the sensors to the inside station, and had a very low energy footprint making it way easier to handle outside. So - the sta...  

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Weatherstation hardware updated  
Posted by smurphy on Saturday, 13 November 2021  GMT
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Linux Hardware

 The weather station, as was installed, had 2 major flaws.
1. The Raspberry PI was too slow. Actually, the CPU would have been fast enough, but the GPIO polling was too slow, limiting the "read" wind speeds to 60Km/h.
2. The AQI (Air Quality Sensor) had an uninvited guest, obstructing the air intake. No air, no measurement.

So - to remediate, I replaced the current raspberry PI Zero WH with a PI Zero 2W which provides several times the speed of its predecessor. Instead of 1 CPU...  

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Servers migrated  
Posted by smurphy on Wednesday, 25 August 2021  GMT
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Linux Hardware

 The Stargate server has been migrated to Terminus.
In fact, the servers started to get old, and all services have been migrated to Kubernetes. As I was not able to put it all onto the same machine (old services and Kubernetes to test it out), I decided to build up a new server and build everything on that new server.

Check out the Build blog: IMB-2000V for details on what it looks like.


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Comment module activated  
Posted by smurphy on Wednesday, 11 September 2019  GMT
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PHP development

 A comment functionality was recently activated. As time was tight, it took a while to write it.
The comment functionality is available in the news and blog section. Also, users need to be registered to the site to be able to add comments or comment other comments.  

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Server upgrade Disks and OS release  
Posted by smurphy on Friday, 19 April 2019  GMT
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Stargate Icon

 The mail, web and DNS server has received new disks. The old 5400RPM 320Gbytes HDDs have been replaced by 1Tb SSD disks. This will allow to use larger quotas on the mail-server side, and will be specially faster for all requests that are ran on the server.

The day after the OS has been upgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS getting through Ubuntu LTS 16.04 LTS.
The main issues have been the passage from upstart to systemd, where some applications (mysql)_ could not b...  

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New ISP using FTTH  
Posted by admin on Wednesday, 14 February 2018  GMT
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Linux Hardware

 Having had the possibility to order FTTH (Fiber to the Home) for half the price of what our current provider charged us for ADSL v2, we decided to give it a try.
After some hickups (fiber could not pass due to the sheath stuck outside of our property under the road), I had to make it pass through the neighbors connection point. That being done, we finally have the FTTH connected to our MPOE, and after having removed the ADSL limitations to keep interactive connections interactive, we now ha...  

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UPS added to MPOE  
Posted by admin on Saturday, 14 January 2017  GMT
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 As the current stormy weather caused quite lots of power interruptions, I wondered if the lower internet connectivity quality in the last months was not due to the fact that the MPOE had no UPS backup.
Checking this on my logs, a correlation on poor internet connectivity and ADSL Modem moved to the MPOE, existed. Knowing this, I finally got a UPS and connected the MPOE's power supply to this UPS. The fact that many people in france actually use electric heating reduces the voltage of the cur...  

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NAS (OMV) Has been upgraded  
Posted by admin on Wednesday, 16 November 2016  GMT
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Linux Hardware

 to Debian Jessie (8.x), and OMV to v3.x. The main issue was that in the move from Debian Wheezy to Jessie, the init-system was moved from SystemV Init to SystemD - with all the changes this implies. Also - quite some quircks needed to be fixed on the Docker-Containers (Before the upgrade, I made the mistake to Apply ACL's to all directories - including the docker-container directory). The Apple netatalk failed, as did the SMB configuration when upgrading OMV 2.x to 3.x. Also, some configuration ...  

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Servers and NAS moved to basement  
Posted by admin on Sunday, 2 October 2016  GMT
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FW Nas Small

 It was a long Weekend, but I finally managed to move the Servers out of the office into the Basement. That is, Web/Mail Server and UPS went into one 10" rack, while the NAS and a new firewall based on Shorewall went into a Smaller 10"rack.

As a new MPOE was also setup some weeks ago, 8x1Gbps Cat6a SFP cables were set over to the server racks. The NAS is now connected using 2x1Gbps bonding. The max-speed per channel may only be 1Gbps, however 2 systems can s...  

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[  Current weather  ]

Weather @ 16:10 on Tue, Oct 22 2024 UTC
Location: Clermont Oise/FR
  > Temperature: 13.4 °C
  > Atmospheric Pressure: 1,025 hPa
  > Humidity: 86.00 %
  > Precipitation: 0.000 mm
  > Wind speed: 0.00 Km/h
  > Wind Gust: 0.00 Km/h
  > Wind Direction: 250 ° WSW
  > Light: 18 W/m²
  > UV Index: 0
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 [ Past announcements 

 Monday, 12 September 2016 
 > New MPOE for home network 

 Saturday, 16 July 2016 
 > New facelift 

 Sunday, 29 May 2016 
 > RC Models DB released 

 Monday, 02 May 2016 
 > Certificates from
 letsencrypt movement 

 Sunday, 24 April 2016 
 > Blacklisting reaction

 Monday, 21 March 2016 
 > PasteBin released 

 Saturday, 09 January 2016 
 > How to stop Windows 10
 upgrade on Win7/8 

 Sunday, 11 October 2015 
 > ISP instability 

 Wednesday, 26 August 2015 
 > Win 10 and total

 Tuesday, 16 June 2015 
 > New NAS installed 
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